Fritz: All Fritz
All Fritz.zip
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STATAK.LZH 311296 02/15/93 Alaska Demogrpahics
STATAL.LZH 344064 02/15/93 Alabama Demographics
STATAR.LZH 344064 02/15/93 Arkansas Demographics
STATAZ.LZH 311296 02/15/93 Arizona Demographics
STATCA.LZH 376832 02/15/93 California Demographics
STATCO.LZH 327680 02/15/93 Colorado Demographics
STATCT.LZH 311296 02/15/93 Connecticut Demographics
STATDE.LZH 294912 02/15/93 Delaware Demographics
STATFL.LZH 344064 02/15/93 Florida Demographics
STATGA.LZH 360448 02/15/93 Georgia Demographics
STATHI.LZH 294912 02/15/93 Hawaii Demographics
STATIA.LZH 344064 02/15/93 Iowa Demographics
STATID.LZH 327680 02/15/93 Idaho Demographics
STATIL.LZH 376832 02/15/93 Illinois Demographics
STATIN.LZH 360448 02/15/93 Indiana Demographics
STATKS.LZH 344064 02/15/93 Kansas Demographics
STATKY.LZH 360448 02/15/93 Kentucky Demographics
STATLA.LZH 344064 02/15/93 Louisiana Demographics
STATMA.LZH 327680 02/15/93 Massachusetts Demographics
STATMD.LZH 311296 02/15/93 Maryland Demographics
STATME.LZH 311296 02/15/93 Maine Demographics
STATMI.LZH 360448 02/15/93 Michigan Demographics
STATMN.LZH 360448 02/15/93 Minnesota Demographics
STATMO.LZH 360448 02/15/93 Missouri Demographics
STATMS.LZH 344064 02/15/93 Mississippi Demographics
STATMT.LZH 327680 02/15/93 Montana Demographics
STATNC.LZH 360448 02/15/93 North Carolina Demographics
STATND.LZH 327680 02/15/93 North Dakota Demographics
STATNE.LZH 344064 02/15/93 Nebraska Demographics
STATNH.LZH 311296 02/15/93 New Hampshire Demographics
STATNJ.LZH 327680 02/15/93 New Jersey Demographics
STATNM.LZH 311296 02/15/93 New Mexico Demographics
STATNV.LZH 311296 02/15/93 Nevada Demographics
STATNY.LZH 360448 02/15/93 New York Demographics
STATOH.LZH 360448 02/15/93 Ohio Demographics
STATOK.LZH 344064 02/15/93 Oklahoma Demographics
STATOR.LZH 327680 02/15/93 Oregon Demographics
STATPA.LZH 360448 02/15/93 Pennsylvania Demographics
STATRI.LZH 311296 02/15/93 Rhode Island Demographics
STATSC.LZH 327680 02/15/93 South Carolina Demographics
STATSD.LZH 327680 02/15/93 South Dakota Demographics
STATTN.LZH 344064 02/15/93 Tennessee Demographics
STATTX1.LZH 278528 02/15/93 Texas Demographics 1 of 2
STATTX2.LZH 180224 02/15/93 Texas Demographics 2 of 2
STATUT.LZH 311296 02/15/93 Utah Demographics
STATVA.LZH 360448 02/15/93 Virginia Demographics
STATVT.LZH 311296 02/15/93 Vermont Demographics
STATWA.LZH 327680 02/15/93 Washington Demographics
STATWI.LZH 344064 02/15/93 Wisconsin Demographics
STATWV.LZH 327680 02/15/93 West Virginia Demographics
STATWY.LZH 311296 02/15/93 Wyoming Demographics